What is ContrabandCamp?
ContrabandCamp is a collective of thinkers, journalists, analysts and storytellers dedicated to telling Black stories from our perspective. We will publish rigorous reporting, expert analysis and unapologetically Black dialogues on issues that affect the lives of Black people.
But don’t get it twisted; this ain’t the trap New York Y Times. While ContrabandCamp contributors are the best and Blackest storytellers, journalists, and public scholars, we will also publish our roster also includes cultural critics, comedians, authors, media critics, reviewers, music journalists, podcasters and others who help form the four pillars on which ContrabandCamp rests:
Liberation journalism: Original reporting, data-based analysis and investigative journalism focused on issues that affect Black communities and people individuals. (More on that later)
Truth-telling: Our BlackCheck series will research and fact-check popular media narratives. Scholars, activists, educators and writers will add nuanced perspectives and informed opinions to the public record.
Bearing witness: ContrabandCamp is dedicated to amplifying Black storytelling. Skilled journalists and young reporters will share overlooked, ignored and forgotten perspectives often missing from mainstream media outlets. Our “Campfire Stories” series will feature essays, book excerpts, short stories and even videos from hilarious comedians, celebrated writers and new voices.
The culture: Uniquely Black perspectives on music, art, sports, pop culture and the that unite (and divide) us, including: Would you buy an Eddie King Jr. comeback album? Did capitalism ruin hip-hop? Movie, television and music reviews from accomplished critics and reviewers.
Subscribers will have access to original reporting, articles, podcasts and videos telling our stories in our voices, speaking our language, all with one goal in mind:
To get free.
ContrabandCamp will not produce popular hot takes and trending thinkpieces; instead of pursuing virality, it will build a dedicated audience interested in nuanced dialogue and deep dives from a Black perspective. In a post-fact world where “reality” is a television genre and legislators have made it illegal to tell the truth, Black stories are now a form of contraband.
What is “Liberation Journalism?”
ALL media is biased.
The standard that many media outlets regard as “objectivity” is usually indifference cosplaying as neutrality. The best journalists strive to report factual information as accurately and fairly as possible. Still, every writer, reporter and editor makes choices that shape the stories that we consume. More importantly, they also choose which details and whose perspectives are not worthy of being included. In many cases, the experiences and perspectives of Black people are excluded from the public record. While the writers and editors at ContrabandCamp hold ourselves to the highest journalistic and editorial standards, we will not adhere to the false media construct of “objectivity.”
I know that sounds boring AF, but don’t worry. ContrabandCamp is not just a melanated clone of the pretentious, stoic content you can find on any Biscoff-colored-owned outlet. Because we are unencumbered by the constructs of Caucasity or the desire for virality, we can tell our stories in our voices. Although we prefer nuance to hyperbole, we are not afraid to call a thing a thing.
The truth is the point.
Liberation journalism is as smart and bold and as brilliant and Black as the culture we created.
How can I support this?
Some of the ways to support this project include:
Subscribe: Free and paid subscribers receive updates and notifications on new posts.
Tell our story: Help us grow by sharing our content with friends, family and social media followers.
Tell your story: ContrabandCamp is open to interesting and unique perspectives from seasoned journalists, storytellers and content creators. Contact one of our seasoned journalists about an overlooked story or perspective, or share your expertise as a paid contributor by pitching us as pitches@contrabandcamp.com
Help a storyteller: Our Camp Builder tier helps train and financially support Black journalists, writers and creators.
What do I get as a paid subscriber?
Aside from the news, politics, sports, culture and our stories, Contraband Campers get access to podcasts, live events and a complete archive of content, including:
First access to content: Early access to everything on ContrabandCamp.
Premium content: Podcasts, articles and video content for subscribers only.
The complete archives: Go back in time, even before the site began!
CampFire Stories: Here, your favorite Black novelists, playwrights, authors, comedians, poets and storytellers share short stories, early excerpts and drafts of their art.
The complete archives of The Black One podcast: From 2012 until 2018, Michael Harriot traveled the country collecting over 200 unfiltered long-form interviews with interesting people sharing their untold stories.
NegusWhoRead Archives: Harriot’s archive of thousands of articles published on his award-winning personal blog.
Contraband Community: Join live recordings, comment on posts and discuss other topics with fellow ContrabandCampers
How much content will I actually get?
New Contraband Camp content posts daily.
Who will be camping out?
The roster of award-winning ContrabandCamp contributors is still growing. Some of your favorite thinkers, writers, comedians and artists will be joining the camp. Subscribe to hear more about who will be joining the ContrabandCamp.